Adoptive parents build equally strong attachments as natural parents Love will not spoil your baby. You’re bringing home a child to love-and it fills your heart.
But it may also make you a little apprehensive-will you be a good parent, would you be able to respond to your baby’s needs? Shed the worry and be assured.
Adoptive parents build equally strong attachments as natural parents Love will not spoil your baby.
Love Will Not Spoil Your Baby
You’ve taken the bold step to adopt a child, and the journey forward is going to be beautiful.
Adoptive parents go on to build equally strong attachments with their children, as natural parents.
Studies show that kids adopted as infants display little difference in their quality of attachment from non-adopted infants.
The cornerstone of building a strong attachment with your child is responding in a consistent manner, to your child’s physical and emotional needs.
Adoptive parents build equally strong attachments as natural parents Love will not spoil your baby.
Here are tips from Ann Simi John, consultant child psychologist at Columbia Asia Hospital, Gurgaon, to help you and your little bundle of joy, grow closer.
Spend as much time as possible with your baby, developing face-to-face contact.
Talk, talk, talk to your baby in a soothing voice.
Be your baby’s primary caregiver and feed/change her yourself, especially in the first few months
Maximise physical contact by holding, kissing, and hugging your baby and do not worry about spoiling the baby
Give a gentle massage daily. It encourages feelings of warmth and affection in your child
Be patient with yourself and your baby when he/she cries or fusses, doesn’t eat properly, or sleeps less/more in the first few weeks.
As your baby grows, develop routines and rituals that will help you bond as a family.
Never give up. The process of attachment involves building a relationship. That take time, and that’s okay.
Love Will Not Spoil Your Baby.
Be patient with yourself and your baby when he/she cries or fusses, doesn’t eat properly, or sleeps less/more in the first few weeks.
As your baby grows, develop routines and rituals that will help you bond as a family.