Attending protest rally teenage boy executed in Saudi Arabia

Attending protest rally teenage boy executed in Saudi Arabia. Abdullah al-Zaher just aged 15 executed.

Teenage boy execute attending protest. Saudi Arabia is about to execute a teenage boy for attending a protest rally.

Against the ruling Al Saud monarchy as part of a heavy-handed crackdown on dissidents, a rights group says.

Attending protest rally teenage boy executed in Saudi Arabia.
Attending protest rally teenage boy executed in Saudi Arabia.

Abdullah al-Zaher, who  a member of Saudi Arabia’s Shia religious community, just aged 15.

When he arrested after participating in the protest in March 2012, campaign group Reprieve told the British daily.

Saudi Arabia’s Specialized Criminal Court sentenced Zaher to death by beheading and his sentence upheld last September with no notice given to his family or lawyer.

Reprieve said Zaher, now 19 years old,  moved to a prison 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) away from his family.

And is to be executed along with 51 other people any day.

The teenager faces a range of charges, including “harboring” protesters, participating in demonstrations and chanting slogans and throwing petrol bombs.

His family says Zaher shot and injured by security forces during the 2012 protest rally.

He beaten with wire iron rods while in detention, and forced to sign a confession that he not read.

Without able to speak to his family members or a lawyer.

The family has now approached international human rights groups in a last-ditch appeal for intervention in spite of potential repercussions from Saudi officials for speaking out, Reprieve said.

Zaher’s case  similar to those of Ali al-Nimr and Dawoud al-Marhoon, who arrested by Saudi security forces in 2012.

The height of protests in the country’s Eastern Province, and then sentenced to beheading and crucifixion.

Amnesty International says Saudi Arabia executed 102 people in the first six months of this year.

Attending protest rally teenage boy executed in Saudi Arabia.

Muslim scholars and clerics have on various occasions criticized Saudi authorities for indicting and then executing suspects without giving them a chance to defend themselves.