Bollywood beautiful actress Sunny Leone said want more money ask for it

Bollywood beautiful actress Sunny Leone said want more money ask for it. There are ups and downs she is comfortable with the industry.

Sunny Leone started her Bollywood career in 2012 with Jism 2. And three years later, Sunny Leone has carved a place for herself here.

Ask her if she is comfortable with the industry and she says: “I have been quite comfortable for a while now.

Bollywood beautiful actress Sunny Leone said want more money ask for it.

Bollywood beautiful actress Sunny Leone said want more money ask for it.

There are ups and downs, for sure; and even crazy things happen for good and sometimes, they aren’t so good. That’s part of the process.

If crazy and amazing things weren’t happening, then it would have been boring.
Sometimes, I do wish that certain moments weren’t there or they didn’t happen but what can you do?

You have to take the good with the bad.

Has she learnt all the ways of Bollywood ?

Being here is a learning process on many levels and one of them is coming to terms with certain things.

I am clear that Daniel (her husband) and I have to adjust. I have to adjust to Bollywood; it’s not going to adjust to me.

It’s not something you just hope and pray that everybody is going to beat to your drum but you have to go with the beat of the drum that’s already being played.”

Also, of late, pay disparity between males and females in the industry has been a talking point.

Bollywood beautiful actress Sunny Leone said want more money ask for it.

“Every individual, as far as the entertainment industry goes, has the ability to do what they want to. If you want more money, ask for it.

What’s the worst thing will happen?

They will say no, and then you move forward. As far as (pay) equality goes, it’s a dog-eat-dog world, so you have to hustle for it.

You want it, get it and prove to whoever you need to prove to that you deserve that kind of money.

Is it bad that you don’t get paid as much as someone else? Yes, it sucks. But that only means that you have got to work that much harder.

I can’t speak for anyone else but that’s how I see it,” she signs off.

wish that certain moments weren’t there or they didn’t happen but what can you do?