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Combat forces war power India become fourth number largest military power in the world

Combat forces war power India become fourth number largest military power in the world. Global military power analyst released the list of 133 countries military force, in America.

The United States biggest war power in world, classification analyzed based on traditional warfare and instrumentation.

According to report the presence of combat armed forces latest defense weapons India become fourth number of largest military power in the world.

Combat forces war power India become fourth number largest military power in the world.

Combat forces war power India become fourth number largest military power in the world,

According to the correspondent, Pakistan ranked at no 13 as a war power in the world.

Pakistan increased military power in the last one year and joined in the first fifteen military power countries.

The US defense budget $ 587 billion, while China allocated $ 161 billion for defense.

Although China behind the US and Russia but coming up fast and perhaps reached at second number place so far.

Combat forces war power India become fourth number largest military power in the world.

The compare to china India’s defense budget $ 51 billion.

According to Global Firepower, the United States has more than 13,000 warplanes invaders traveling, transporters and helicopters.

China about 3,000 warplanes.

The Indian army active soldiers more than 13 million. Apart from this, 28 million reserve soldiers can help the army as needed.

India has more than two thousand warplanes invaders traveling, transporters and helicopters.

The number of tanks in India 4400, number of plane aircraft only three. Although at least one of the ships removed from the sea.

The Indian Army Budget: $50 billion Active front line personnel: 1,325,000
Tanks: 6,464. Submarines: 15 Total aircraft: 1,905.

According to this list, Pakistan at thirteen number as most powerful country in the world.

The defense budget of the Pakistan $ 7 billion and the number of active soldiers 6 lakh 37 thousand.

Combat forces war power India become fourth number largest military power in the world.

Apart from this, approximately three lakh reserve soldiers aviable.

The number of combat planes including Helicopters about one thousand and the number of Tanks near 3,000.

According to this list, the country’s population of 81 million(Israel) is in the ninth position.

Israel has six hundred war planes and more than 2500 tanks.