Home Article Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton; become 45th president

Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton; become 45th president

Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton; become 45th president. Donald Trump will become the 45th US president after a stunning victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton, news agency reports.

The Republican nominee’s projected victory came down to a handful of key swing states, despite months of polling that favoured Mrs Clinton.

The battlegrounds of Florida, Ohio and North Carolina cleared the way for his Brexit-style upset. Global markets plummeted, with the Dow set to open 800 points down.

Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton; become 45th president.

Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton; become 45th president.

Mr Trump’s projected victory in Wisconsin put him over the 270 out of 538 electoral college votes needed to win the White House.

The US president-elect took to the stage at his victory rally in New York and said: “I just received a call from Secretary Clinton.

She congratulated us on our victory.”

“It is time for us to come together as one united people.” Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton; become 45th president

Donald Trump shattered expectations on Tuesday with an election night victory.

That revealed deep anti-establishment anger among American voters and set the world on a journey into the political unknown.

The Republican nominee has achieved one of the most improbable political victories in modern US history.

Despite a series of controversies that would easily have destroyed other candidacies, extreme policies.

That drawn criticism from both sides of the aisle, a record of racist and sexist behaviour, and a lack of conventional political experience.

After surprise early victories in Florida, North Carolina and Ohio, it fell to the Rust Belt states of the industrial midwest to determine the result of his stunning upset.

Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton; become 45th president.

Wisconsin and Michigan, two states hit hard by a decline in manufacturing jobs and lost by Hillary Clinton to Bernie Sanders.

In the Democratic primary, were led by Trump as the race headed for an early morning cliffhanger.

A 2.30am, the Associated Press projected Trump had won Wisconsin and called the overall race for Trump.

Who passed the 270 electoral college votes he needed to secure the presidency.

Shortly afterwards, CNN and NBC reported that Clinton had called Donald Trump to concede but would not be making a public address.

Trump left Trump Tower for the short journey to the Hilton Midtown.

Where the president elect then took to the stage and insisted he would “deal fairly with everyone”.